

Rural Design


Ella Hebendanz
Ines Delgado Rusli
Pamela Soria Varela
Yegyeong Cha
Daan Jensen
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The Lucitopia Light Project ( 资 溪 小 镇 光 计 划 ) welcomes professionals from different backgrounds to participate in theenlightening(照明) of Lucitopia Town, located in the Qingliangshan region of Zixi County.
Surrounded by beautiful nature, artists(艺术家), scientists (科学家), designers(设计师), architects(建筑师), spiritualists(精神修练家), engineers(工程师), or any other professionals(任何其他专业人士) that work, or would like to work, with LIGHT(光) will have the opportunity to join this project. Through creativity(创意) and the use of renewable energies(可再生能源), we will shape the future(未来) of what we already know as Lucitopia Town.

The name Lucitopia comes from the union of the words “lucid”(资溪) and “utopia”(乌托邦).

clear(明亮), bright(闪耀), shining, full of light(充满光明) From Latin lucidus, from lux (“light”) + -idus. (资溪这个名字是从拉丁语中的lucidus变过来的,它有光和闪亮的 意思)
Utopia(乌托邦) From New Latin Ūtopia, the name of a fictional island possessing a seemingly perfect socio-politico-legal system in the book Utopia (1516) by Sir Thomas More. Coined from οὐ (ou, “not”) + τόπος (tópos, “place, region”) (English topos) + Latin -ia/Ancient Greek -ία (-ía), -εια (-eia) (English -ia). (在新的拉丁语中,Ūtopia是托马斯爵士在《乌托邦》中虚构的一 个拥有完美社会政治系统的一个岛的名字。是由οὐ(ou”,不是 “)+τόπος(传统的主题,“地方、地区”)(英语惯用语句)+拉丁ia /古希 腊-ία(ia)、-εια(eia)英语(ia)组成的。)

With this proposal, we attempt to bring light to Lucitopia, to give birth to the “light utopia”.(明亮的乌托邦)

Through this residency ( 驻 地 计 划 ) , participants are encouraged to interact with the local population of the surrounding villages(村庄) and let themselves be inspired by their traditions(传统), crafts(工艺), agriculture(农业), food(食品), resources(资源), ethics(伦理), heritage (遗产), practices(实践), beliefs(信仰) and stories (故事).
Through the coexistence with traditional wisdom (传统的智慧) and ancient customs(古老的习俗), the participants will bring their present knowledge (目前的知识) to form afuture place(未来的地方).
Moreover, the creative projects that arise from these encounters There will be two cyclic programs for the time and place of the will have to fully function through renewable energies, such as hydraulic(水), wind(风), solar(太阳能), and bioenergy(生物能源).

projects: the day and the night.
The day program( 每 日 计 划 ) will focus on the villages. The visitors(游客) will spend the day visiting the villages, so that both locals(当地人) and visitors are able to enjoy each other’s company. The restoration of abandoned houses (遗弃房屋的修理) and the use of public spaces(公共空间的使 用) to be turned into light works(发光的物体)(will bring life to the villages.
The night program(夜计划) will focus on nature(自然). To avoid disrupting the daily routine of the villagers and to enjoy the beauty of nature at night, these projects will be placed in the surrounding areas of the villages.
Lucitopia Light Project will revitalize the villagers’ lives; it will brighten their day-to-day and give them the possibility of sharing their knowledge and skills with creators that are interested in inhaling traditional knowledge(吸收传统知识), to exhale their expertise(输出他们的专业知识), as well as with visitors that come to enjoy theenlightened rural zone (被照亮的乡村). Likewise, the project will illuminate the path (照亮道路) of those who would like to come to find themselves through interactions with others, with nature, and with light.
How the way of light(光) will come to shine on the natural and rural elements(自然及乡村元素) around will be a matter of people letting themselves open to find its way inside of them, and enlighten them(照亮) as much as the place that will be created.
Being inspired by the local people and traditional Chinese way of thinking(中国人的思维方式), by theTao’s enlightening capacity(道家的启明能力), byLucitopia’s name (资溪的名字), and by the Mycellium network (Mycellium 网络), we try to bring light here, to light up the place in a series of chain reaction(一系列的反应) that will also give light back to us(把光带回给我们) the cycle of the growing organism(成⻓周期)

gestation: creation (孕期:创意)
This is the initial phase (初始阶段) of the Lucitopia Light Project. To participate in the creation, you may be aprofessional (专业人才), practitioner (从业者), creator (创造者), research (研究者), or expert (专家), capable of makingcreative work (创造性工作) under the theme of LIGHT(以灯光为主题). This can be achieved through figurative (比喻), literal (文字), or abstract connotations (抽象含义), and participants are encouraged to use both natural and artificial light ( 自 然 和 人 工 灯 光 ) for their projects.
The Qingliangshan region has its own traditions, practices, and resources like bamboo (竹子), honey (蜂蜜), rice (水稻), among others (等其他资源); all of these elements shape its culture. Participants are encouraged to learn from the villagers and let themselves be inspired by these elements through their work. The residencies will have a duration of two months (为期两个月), after which a light work(光物品) will be produced and ready to belit(点亮). We will be looking for the participation of volunteers (志愿者) that come from urban areas (城市) to help on the final stretch of the projects: the lighting-on (点亮灯光).
They will be cooperating for one week on the build up, while learning about the projects themselves, so that during the weekend, the works can be lit. This would create a unique bond and exchange of knowledge between people from rural areas (来自农村的人), from urban areas (来自城市的人), and possibly, from abroad (可能还有来自国外的人).
The gestation period will produce the sufficient amount of works to mark the introduction of Lucitopia Town as a Light Town (灯光小镇). Consequently, visitors will start coming and fill the place with light. After this phase, comes the birth.

birth: commencement (出生:开端) Lucitopia is officially the “Light Town”. A ceremony (仪式) will be held to celebrate the beginning of Lucitopia as a light site (灯光小镇).

growth: development (成⻓:发展) The residency programs will continue to run, continue to fill the place with light, while thenumber of visitors increases (游客的数量增加). Nevertheless, to keep the natural cycles residency is over. From this point onwards, the growth will set the pace for further activities (今后的活动) to develop. (自然循环) of the place, the lighting-on moments will remain to be every two months (灯光会在每两个月开启一次), when a residency is over. From this point onwards, the growth will set the pace for further activities (今后的活动) to develop.