Lost In Transition is a collaborative project by Ines Delgado Rusli, Daan Jensen, Jung Hyun Kim, Hannah Mulqueen, Mrinalini Singha and Leonardo Scarin. The project touches upon the theme of the familiar and unfamiliar; void, estrangement and intuition. A shared ’space’ for these topics is a labyrinth; A maze without guidance. This lack of guidance heightens the viewers internal reasoning and decision-making, which will be directing their own way through the labyrinth. The only familiar visual reference that the viewer will have, are door signs. As they walk through the maze, pushing the revolving doors, the door signs begin to morph the space into a new and unfamiliar setting. We aim for participators to guide themselves through the spaces using their intuition in order to break established patterns from their routines and let them seek for new permutations.